Friday, January 30, 2009


We have a tryout on Monday and Tuesday. A big one. A group of educators from around the nation are coming into the building to authorize us for a program that we have been trying for the last two years. If something bad happens, it will be a lot of work down the drain. It's a high-pressure situation and we're doing our best to make sure we prepare.

I'm not about dog-and-pony shows, and this is not that. I really feel like we've been doing the things we need to be doing, especially for the undertaking that we have done. In the past, I have felt like classroom visits have had a sort of interior decorating feel - do you have your core learning goals up? Do you have your objectives up? Do you have student work posted? But this does not feel like that. It feels like a true examination as to whether we're doing the things we need to do.

That being said, things still need to look nice. We made a bulletin board today.

Otherwise, it's been a wasted week, instruction wise, though. Monday was a true day, but school was cancelled on both Tuesday and Wednesday, and we've had Professonal Development Thursday and Friday. With that in mind, I guess it was a good time to get sick; I think I've been hit by my second major winter cold. This one might be strep throat, but I'm not positive. Going to the doctor tomorrow.

In other news, I'm almost finished with Oscar Wao. What a novel...

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